
וְכָךְ לָקַח לִי שִׁשִּׁים שָׁנָה תְּמִימוֹת עַד שֶׁהֵבַנְתִּי, כִּי הַמַּיִם הֵם הַטּוֹב שֶׁבַּמַּשְׁקָאוֹת, וְכִי הַלֶּחֶם הוּא הַטָּעִים בַּמַאֲכָלִים, וְכִי אֵין עֵרֶך אֲמִתִּי לְאָמָּנוּת כָּלְשֶׁהִי אֶלָּא אִם תַּחְדִּיר מְעַט אשֶׁר לְלֵב הָאָדָם. / טאהא מוחמד עלי מערבית: סלמאן מצאלחה יולי 2011

יום חמישי, מאי 19, 2016

it may not be much, but I believe there is nothing greater than everyday life

אנחנו עדיין בפרק שנקרא ניו יורק,
אז כן היתה פתיחה מדהימה משמחת מאד ומרגשת בשעת ערב מוקדמת של לחץ ופקקים מקצווי העיר באו אנשים לראות,
להוקיר לכבד וזה ממש לא מובן מאליו והיו נאומים קצרים וברכות של מאגאן האוצרת היקרה ,של ג'ניס חברתנו האהובה וקונסול התרבות אביעד ששמחנו להכיר הוסיף את מילותיו החמות ,ויותם בן אור וגבריאל חברו ניגנו  ומירנדה  חברתם צילמה  ותיעדה ,שמחתי גם אני לברך באנגלית מתוך הכתוב שהכנתי
 לספר גם מה מניע אותי בעשייה הזו -ולהודות לכל כך הרבה אנשים שעזרו להגיע לרגע הזה  
ובראשם תחיה רעייתי שותפתי למסע המופלא  הזה בביה"ס של החיים .

Thank you to my dear friends, Sally, Rachel and Janice, who worked very hard to make my dream 
of having an exhibition in New York come true
A big thank you goes out to Megan, who paid attention to all the details so that we could get the best of everything. I let her guide me through the choices, and was very happy to do so, because it was truly a great experience to work with her across the ocean
Next to me is my loving wife and partner in this journey, Tchiya. Together we have built a home, a family, a piece of creation. And also with me is my big sister Yehudit, whose friendship and love fill my heart
I want to thank Renee & John, Neal and our friends from Bavly Yerushalmy as well as all the dear people who contributed generously and helped us to be here today
On the walls around us is a world full of people very dear to me. Moments before I took their picture some of them were strangers
But then the walls between us fell, we got to know one another, sometimes even became friends, but mostly trusted one another 
There are also photos from my personal life here: of our son Yair, who is no longer with us; of my mother, Lore, a wonderful artist who left a large collection of paintings behind. She is the center of this photograph, and I feel she is here with me, still teaching children
My mother and father were a huge source of inspiration in my life, and their legacy is the beating heart of this artwork
I come from the world of journalism, from years of documenting current affairs and editing photographs at a news desk
As a former photographer at the Israeli Prime Minister's office, I have a lot of experience observing political leaders, who have also allowed me to see them in intimate moments. I spent a long time in an interesting, complicated, powerful, sometimes conflicted world. It was an important stage in my life
But in 1998 I left everything, the world of journalism and documentation, my workplace, and on a hunch decided to let the lens face inwards, into the heart, instead of outwards, to the world around
I began a fascinating journey into the world of hearts and minds, exposing the deep understanding that we need to make a change in our lives, personally and universally
?The questions is: What kind of people do we want to be at this time
?Do we choose to be dignified in a reality where dignity is rare
?In a world full of distrust, can we bring trust
That change won’t come from above, from leaders, politics or the media.
 I believe every person is at the center, and we must all take responsibility for one another
I try to make an impact on the public agenda in my artwork
It may not be much, but I believe there is nothing greater than everyday life, and I try to live mine with respect and love for others

photographer credit : Koon, JCC Manhattan

"It was a special night of love and support."

Charles Chessler:  photographer credit

photographer credit : Koon, JCC Manhattan

photographer credit : Koon, JCC Manhattan

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בתיבה "הגב כ:" ביחרו באפשרות ,שם/כתובת אתר
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All images in Nino herman Blog except where noted, are the exclusive property of Nino Herman and are protected under international copyright laws. The images may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of the author. If you wish to use any of the images in this Blog, please contact Nino Herman email: Ninoherman@gmail.com