התעוררנו בניו יורק, חצי המסע המופלא במערב הסתיים.
הנה מחלון הדירה בקומה ה-9 קמנו לבוקר חדש. מתארחים אצל חברים יקרים.
על העיר והמסע יהיו הרחבות בהמשך מאמין ויודע שיעלו מילים, תמונות.
סופ"ש הקרוב יוקדש למנוחה, ליאיר.
מוצאי פסח ראשון מאז שנת 2000 שאנו רחוקים מהבית
מאיתן ודניאל בנינו האהובים משפחותיהם
אחותי ומשפחתה חברינו היקרים מנטף, קהילתנו האהובה, חבריו של יאיר.
יאיר איתנו במסע בלב, בתמונות, הנה המילים שאיתן פתחנו את ההרצאה בתערוכה בסאן פרנסיסקו.
מאחלים לכולם שבת של שלום מנוחה והרבה אהבה.
נינו ותחיה
These days are different than the ones we knew.
Everything is changing before our eyes.
These days bring much complexity
Imbalances, brutal violence.
Lives are lost on city streets in many places,
It seems to me that we are moving towards the unknown.
We wondered how we should open the presentation here, in Foster city, so physically far from our home, and in light of all that is going on.
Before we reach the first stepping stone of my sources of inspiration as a person and photographer, with your permission, we will touch upon a life-changing event that has a lot to do with our choices these days as well.
And with your permission, I will also read out of my notes
In 2000 we lost our son, Yair Herman, a beloved person, and cherished loved son
Yair was an IDF photographer for the Education Corps, and was killed on his way home, on April 26th, 2000, on Motzei Pesach Sheni, just as the Jewish Festival of Passover ended
Yair's life and death were landmarks in our lives.
We were privileged enough to live alongside him for 20 years.
The incident took place along this route, which we take every day and night
Over the years I asked myself why my son's soul chose to leave this earth here, so close to home, and why my soul chose to lead me to take this very route every single day, and re-encounter his death
I believe that reality, and our lives, are complex, and this is my soul's default
I like to look at everything through a multi-layered prism
On this route I meet Yair again and again, whose name in Hebrew means "will shine", and he shines a light on our path
This route constantly presents me with the chooser in me
Where do I turn my attention? To the realization that there is a lacuna, something missing? Or to choosing to live
There is an opportunity here, like a resounding daily memory, to choose life, to choose love
Yair's death has prompted us, and still does, to visit places in our heart we never knew existed. That's why I called my blog "spaces in my heart".
At the crossroads of his passing, I had to make a decision in my journey, and I chose to bring the power of love and light into each and every day – the power of love to life and creation.
There is a strong calmness embedded (quiet rooted) in love.
We have built resilience practicing daily, making that same route home. And it's symbolic.
On his tombstone we chose to engrave a verse from the Book of Psalms:
"גם חושך לא יחשיך ממך לילה כיום יאיר כחשיכה כאורה"
"Even the darkness is not too dark for you, the night will shine like the day; the darkness is as the light"
It took us some time to agree to see that we are not incomplete.
In 2009 I went back to photography after a ten-year break –
When I (walk the streets of Tel Aviv these days I have the same strong desire I had years ago to bring back the lover's language to art, to life through art
And tonight, we will do that with you
As we experience the big drama in all our lives, and as it tries to present itself as the most important thing, we will dedicate some time and room for small, everyday moments
We will remember together that there is nothing greater than our everyday lives
Nothing greater than a single day lived fully, while respecting other and loving them.
I wish to dedicate this evening to my parents, who never stopped telling me how much they love me, and listened to my heart's desires, allowing me the freedom to choose my own path.
To Yair, for whom dignity of man was such a central theme, and whose love for our home, for Nataf and nature, filled him and us too
To all of you, who came to leaf through (to take a closer look) with us.
To all those appearing in the photos, who agreed to take part in these works of heart
I feel that my art is a beating heart, and that we are here to remind one another that, as people, we are free to choose each moment where our lives will be headed, and how to make a difference.
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